Jonathan Drummey joining DataBlick full time!
Last fall, man-about-Tableau Jonathan Drummey (Tableau Zen Master , Tableau Forums Ambassador, leader of the Tableau Healthcare User Group, Tableau blogger, etc.) started working with DataBlick part-time. He's launched the Help Me DataBlick service and @helpmedatablick Tableau tips tweet stream and has had so much fun he’s joining DataBlick full-time! That's right! You can have the amazing Jonathan Drummey work on your project! Besides project-based work Jonathan is leading our Tableau trainings, with proven, effective coursework that can be tailored to your organizations needs. To celebrate Jonathan is doing a special on May 9th at 11am Eastern/8am Pacific.
It’s a free, live, public Tableau Doctor session where some lucky users (maybe you?) will get their Tableau questions answered by Jonathan. Sign up for this event below:
Enter your email address to register for Help Me DataBlick Live on May 9th:
If you and your organization would like to take advantage of Jonathan’s deep understanding of Tableau via DataBlick consulting services, please contact us using the form below.
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