Weighted Medians for Weighted Data in Tableau

Weighted Medians for Weighted Data in Tableau

There are two ways weighted medians get talked about in Tableau: The first type of weighted median is the one we covered in our earlier Padawan Dojo: Weighted Averages and Weighted Medians post where we’re aggregating a data set and we want to make sure the median is computed over the underlying records. This post is about the second type of weighted median when the data itself has a weight, for example in survey data where each respondent has an assigned weight and we want to find the weighted median value of responses.

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Padawan Dojo: Weighted Averages and Medians in Tableau

Padawan Dojo: Weighted Averages and Medians in Tableau

This is the first of two posts on weighted averages and medians, this one introduces a problem we've seen multiple times where reference lines aren't properly weighted. We need to use a different set of options in Tableau to get the desired results and are helped by an understanding of the different levels of detail that Tableau uses to aggregate measures.

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Tableau Padawan: Faster Nested Sorts

Tableau Padawan: Faster Nested Sorts

Tableau's sorting behavior is somewhere between "a little weird" and "WTF?!?" for those of used to the nested sorting behavior we can get in Excel and other tools. This is one case where Tableau's "mental model" of sorting doesn't match the mental model of many users, if you'd like Tableau to change this you can vote for the Independent Sorting feature request. Explaining why Tableau sorts the way it does would take a much longer post, for now, I'm going to skip the "why" for the "how" and the "what" and jump into my preferred & faster way to do nested sorting using an ad-hoc calculation.

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Tableau Padawan - When the Pill You See is Not the Pill You Use

Tableau Padawan - When the Pill You See is Not the Pill You Use

Today’s lesson is about understanding Tableau as a data driven drawing engine: change the data and we’ll change what Tableau draws. In this case we’re going to change the data to change the color. Recently I received a question where someone had created a heatmap with a diverging color palette like this (demo built using Tableau’s CoffeeChain sample data).

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Concatenating Rows into String Lists in Tableau for #VisualizeNoMalaria

Concatenating Rows into String Lists in Tableau for #VisualizeNoMalaria

As part of the Tableau Foundation/PATH/Zambia Ministry of Health #VisualizeNoMalaria project to eliminate malaria in Zambia by 2020 we had a request to build a “report” to show when health facilities have not submitted malaria incidence data so that administrators and staff can be notified in an easy-to-ready way.   element (such as all the product categories a customer has purchased), etc. Read on for how to do this yourself and learn a bit more about the different levels of detail of data that we work with in Tableau.

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Padawan Dojo: SUMIF() in Tableau

Padawan Dojo: SUMIF() in Tableau

Here at DataBlick we're known for doing amazing things with Tableau and teaching others. Our Padawan Dojo series is for new users (and users who help others) to learn how to do your own great things in Tableau. This lesson is about: learning an important mental model for working with Tableau, understanding when and how to do the equivalent of an Excel SUMIF() in Tableau, and finally how to validate the results.  

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Tableau JS API 102

Tableau JS API 102

Padawan Challenge:  Build a Website with 4 fully responsive Tableau Dashboard views and add an Open Parameter that affects all of them.

Hello Dojo’ers!  Ready to have some more fun with AllanChris, and Anya?  Get out your favorite text editor, a bag of Skittles (for little rewards here and there) and lets get to it.  

Last year at the Tableau conference, DataBlick presented a lot of artsy fartsy bits on how the whole Tableau Dashboard should be a canvas.  Data, pixels, design elements, formatting and math should be used to paint the composition of the viz as a whole on the Tableau canvas.  In this lesson, we are zooming one step out, and now a Tableau viz becomes a bit of paint on an html canvas.

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Tableau JS API 101

Tableau JS API 101

In this post we start with the very, VERY, basics of setting up a simple webpage, embedding a Tableau viz in it, and then adding elements to your webpage that will interact with the Tableau viz. If you already are familiar with the JS API, check back in a few dojo lessons and we will move onto interacting with other web applications to do things like enable voice and gesture control, add sound or haptic feedback, or even apply it to an actual business use case :-p.  If you don’t even really know what html is, this is the place for you to get started on the path to JS API awesome.

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